Crash Cribbage is an old game with a new twist!
Crash Cribbage introduces a new level of strategy and excitement by
allowing the score pegs to interact, while preserving the traditional
card playing rules of the 400-year-old game, Cribbage. Experienced
Cribbage players will love the added challenge and Cribbage
rookies will be hooked even quicker!

Two Games in one: Traditional Cribbage lovers can turn the board
over for a quick game. You get two games for the price of one. I
know that cribbage lovers will appreciate the traditional style
twin-track cribbage game on the back of Crash Cribbage.

Playing: As you can see from the picture Crash Cribbage has a
unique figure-8 design. All players start in the"start" holes and
choose the direction they wish to peg. You may end up pegging the
same direction or in the opposite direction of the other players.
The real excitement starts when you bump into or "crash" another
player's peg. If you hit your opponent's tail peg you will send it
forward, if you hit your opponent's head peg you will send it
backward. This greatly enhances the strategy involved in the
pegging phase of the game.
The card play is exactly the same as traditional cribbage and the
track is exactly 121 holes.
"Crash Cribbage" is a registered trademark. All rights reserved, AbleKane Enterprises www.ablekane.com